dengan jelas bahasa Inggris
- affirmatively
- articulately
- clearly
- coherently
- conspicuously
- decidedly
- decisively
- deferentially
- distinctively
- distinctly
- earnestly
- evidently
- expressly
- legibly
- markedly
- patently
- penetratingly
- perceptibly
- perspicurously
- serenely
- transparently
- vividly
- categorically
- flagrantly
- ostensibly
- plainly
- understandingly
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
- jelas: apparent; bold; clean cut; clear; clearly;
- dengan jelas/dengan nyata: conspicuously; distinctly; noticeably
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- (music) He's the king He makes that plain
Dia adalah sang Raja Dia memperlihatkannya dengan jelas - Nobody ever thinks clearly at the airport.
Tidak ada yang pernah berpikir dengan jelas di bandara. - Didn't I make it clear, the conversation is over.
Bukankah sudah kukatakan dengan jelas? Percakapan selesai. - I just saw 26 blatant health code violations.
Aku melihat dengan jelas 26 pelanggaran aturan kesehatan. - Evidentially he had a message for Petrelli.
Dengan jelas dia mengatakan dia punya pesan untuk Petrelli.